Today I am grateful I made it through a super busy day. I woke up, cooked my lunch for work, decide for my Nanay whether to get a condo unit or not, treat positioning patients, write tons of paperworks, answer trainees' questions, listen to a webinar, participate in a documentation review, finish homehealth training, and then get a flat tire! But the great thing is that it rained the moment I drove off with the newly applied spare tire. Arriving home, I had to do my CPR course online as one of the requirements for HH. I feel all I did today is a week's worth of work! hahahahahaha Praise God!!!!! I didn't breakdown :D And I love the sound of rain outside...
Mr. Recovery Guy changing my flat tire |
"Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest." - Matthew 11:28
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